

Power BI Viewer

Power BI Viewer is the ideal solution for companies that need to securely share their Power BI reports with internal and external users.


ABC Client Analysis

Bismart’s ABC Client Analysis is a dashboard environment for the segmentation and analysis of our client portfolio based on criteria of contribution to turnover and profitability.

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Power BI Data Catalog

Power BI Data Catalog autodocumenta los datasets de Power BI y los complementa con descripciones funcionales y de negocio, promoviendo el uso correcto de los mismos y capacitando a los usuarios de negocio para que puedan crear sus propios informes sin ayuda técnica.


Power BI Analytics

Power BI Analytics is a simple, flexible and secure mechanism with which you can visualize and examine the activity of all your company’s users in Power BI Service.


Hotel Management Dashboards

Tool that offers a single environment to consult the indicators and results of all the hotels and their different functional areas.


Customer Segmentation

Know and explore the segments that make up your customer portfolio, what interests them, what brings them value and what actions to take to improve your commercial and marketing actions.


Folksonomy Text Analytics

Analyses natural language text documents and reveals internal content to locate underlying information in unstructured documents.


Master Data Management & Enterprise Information Integration

A single platform for the exchange of business information from one system to another, it aims at the integration of documents and business information and the centralized management of master data.


Smart Procurement

Smart Procurement is an evolution of conventional purchasing tools that will allow you to develop optimization projects with high added value for your company.


Indicators & Dimensions Definition Tool

It covers one of the main gaps in the vast majority of organisations: having an environment where users, both functional and IT, can consult in an agile and simple way what indicators and dimensions are available to them.

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Data Quality Framework

Data Quality Framework supports an organization's data quality. The tool validates, documents, and profiles the data, ensuring an optimal level of quality.

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ResiCare BI

ResiCare BI is an application for monitoring care data from one or more residences. Discover its technical features!

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